viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018


About the blogs...

    So this is about my opinions about the blogs in this semester. Well, I need to say that this is the first time that I wrote blogs in English (specifically), I personally thing that the blogs are a very good way to practice the reading and writing, because I never do that in my daily life, in English of course, and obviously is essential in learning English and I feel that I have improved even a bit.  
    So about the topics of the blogs, I thing that there are many good ones, I liked more the ones in where we share our experience because is like writhing and reading a story, like the first one about the Fiestas Pátrias and I also like the friends one because in that one we share about people that we really love and they are part of our life’s. And the one that I didn’t liked is about sports, because I don’t do any sport (my excuse is because I don’t have enough time), so it was very difficult to writhe something about it. And of course I always enjoy the blogs of the teacher because in all his blogs he always share something new and interesting about his life.

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

My Holidays   

   Well,  today, I am going to talk you about my “Christmas’s”, I think that is the perfect moment of the year to bring this topic because we are so close to Christmas and then the new year, and in my case is a little bit different because my family does not celebrate this holiday as such, the reason is because my family are Chinese (they do not celebrate the Christmas in China)  and they aren't Christians neither.
  Therefore, the Christmas Eve (December 24), my family work in their restaurant, because many people come to eat their Christmas dinner. So, as my family doesn’t celebrate this holiday is understandable that we do not exchange gifts, but instead, my parents always give us a red envelope with money (a very Chinese thing). And in the 25th of December, all my family and friends go out to a restaurant to have a big dinner.

   Regarding new year we celebrate the night of the 31st, but we always make the “real celebration” the next day because we make a barbecue we all the friends and family. But the real New Year for us is the “Chinese new year” which we celebrated in another date, where we get together to eat a lot of typical Chinese food and receive more red envelopes from the family.

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2018

A job I would like to do...

    Well, to start I'm going to talk about the jobs I've had, the first one was as a promoter in a supermarket in which I was only less than a month (but it's a job with a very decent payment), and the other one is in restaurant of my family where I've practically done everything, I've been a cashier, taking orders, washing glasses and also as a waitress (this is one of the hardest along with the kitchen work), and I keep doing it from time to time in the weekends when I have time.
    But a job that I've always wanted to do since I was a child is a pastry, because in the first place I love sweet things and I've always wanted to know how to make cakes, cookies, pies, cupcakes, etc., but what I like most is the decoration of these. More than preparing them I would like to learn how to decorate them and I think it would not be so bad doing it, of course, to be a professional decorator you must have a technique with the handling of certain ingredients and instruments, but I think that is learned with practice.
    And a baker that I admire for this work is Yolanda Gampp, she is a Canadian pastry chef and she has a channel on YouTube call it How To Cake It, where she shows how to make cakes with very crazy and too well decorated designs, and I like here designs because she make every part of her creations with the smallest detail possible.

Imagen relacionada

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018


My best friend...

 So in this blog, I going to present you my best friend Isidora. I met her in the school when we're in the first year of primary, but we were not really friends in that time, I had my own group of friends and her hers, but when we were in fourth grade at the recess I saw her playing along with a doll, so I decided to ask her if she wanted to play together, and since that moment we start to be together in the recesses and the classes too. We passed together the entire primary and the highschool.

   I´ve known her for 14 years, I know all her family and she mine, when we were little we used to play together because we were in school every day, but now we do not have much time to hang out because I am at the university very busy with my classes and she is also busy with her things in her university because she is studying Nursing, so we sometimes talk on Whathsaap and, usually in the holidays we go out to the mall or watch a movie on Netflix with others friends. I like Isi because she is one of the persons that had been there for so much time and I always can talk to her and she is funny and easy going. One of our favorite memory is when we went to Brazil for the “study strip”, we had so much fun and we spend too much time together.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

An artist...  

   So today I will going to talk you about an artist that I like. And the artist is Jeff Koons, he is a very famous American artist because he has worked whit many famous peoples like Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, Ext. his style is the pop art, which take the popular culture, advertising or daily life as inspiration of their creations. He mostly make sculptures, some paintings, but his most famous works are sculptures, the “Balloon Dog” and “Banality” (a gold sculpture or Michael Jackson).
   I discovered in the school, when I was doing an art project, and I was very impress whit his artworks because it wasn´t the typical kind of art, that use another materials and concepts to create the pieces, some people could not consider his sculptures as artworks, but the idea of his projects is show something different and beautiful that sometimes looks like they are makes by a machine and also some of his works are in public places, where are open to all the people to see.
   I like this artist because his artworks are so different and also so simple, but they capture the attention anyway, and it represent some of the current society.

Resultado de imagen para jeff koons obras mas importantes

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

A building that I like...

Resultado de imagen para castillo forestal arquitectura

    Okay, so today I am going to talk to you about a building that I really like. It is a little hard to decide because I really like every historical building because they keep many stories and they survived too many events during the time.

    However, a building that I really like is the Forestal Castle. This building is located inside of the Forestal Park in the street Cardenal José María Caro, in front of the Bellas Artes Museum. The building recreates the French medieval architecture.

   The first time that I saw it I was like 12 years old, I went to Bellas Artes museum for a school project with my friends and I saw it, it was so beautiful for me because I think that I have never seen a castle before and my first impression was the size of the castle because I always imagine this kind of constructions in a big size and with many floors, but this one was a little building but with many details and things. But the reason why I like the castle is that they could mix the old style of the castle with a very contemporary one and also has a story behind.

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018

Something I would like to learn ...

  Well this time I will tell you something I would like to learn, obviously I have a great list of things to learn like learn to cook, use the computer programs, snowboarding, play an instrument, ext., but one of the ones that has taken me the longest is to learn to drive a car and I just have not done it because I've postponed it and maybe a little bit of fear at the wheel, but only a little.
   In my family only my dad drives because my mom does not know how to do it, so it's always my dad who drives and I would love to learn to be able, from time to time, to go out alone with my friends somewhere without relying on someone else to take me, also it would serve as transport to the university on the days that I have project deliveries in which I sometimes have to make giant scale models that I just can’t take me by bus or subway, so I ask for an Uber (which doesn’t come out very cheap), because I don’t  live very close to the university.
   Obviously, I know that the car is not the most efficient or ecological way to transport since it pollutes the environment a lot and generates traffic jams in the streets, but I would only use it when necessary, not every day.
   Maybe in the summer holidays I enrolled in a driving school to learn, so I guess in my vacation I'll be studying the new driver's manual and the traffic laws, instead of resting in my house and watching movies on Netflix.
   I hope to get my license soon and not hit any car(wish me luck).