viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018


About the blogs...

    So this is about my opinions about the blogs in this semester. Well, I need to say that this is the first time that I wrote blogs in English (specifically), I personally thing that the blogs are a very good way to practice the reading and writing, because I never do that in my daily life, in English of course, and obviously is essential in learning English and I feel that I have improved even a bit.  
    So about the topics of the blogs, I thing that there are many good ones, I liked more the ones in where we share our experience because is like writhing and reading a story, like the first one about the Fiestas Pátrias and I also like the friends one because in that one we share about people that we really love and they are part of our life’s. And the one that I didn’t liked is about sports, because I don’t do any sport (my excuse is because I don’t have enough time), so it was very difficult to writhe something about it. And of course I always enjoy the blogs of the teacher because in all his blogs he always share something new and interesting about his life.

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