viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

An artist...  

   So today I will going to talk you about an artist that I like. And the artist is Jeff Koons, he is a very famous American artist because he has worked whit many famous peoples like Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, Ext. his style is the pop art, which take the popular culture, advertising or daily life as inspiration of their creations. He mostly make sculptures, some paintings, but his most famous works are sculptures, the “Balloon Dog” and “Banality” (a gold sculpture or Michael Jackson).
   I discovered in the school, when I was doing an art project, and I was very impress whit his artworks because it wasn´t the typical kind of art, that use another materials and concepts to create the pieces, some people could not consider his sculptures as artworks, but the idea of his projects is show something different and beautiful that sometimes looks like they are makes by a machine and also some of his works are in public places, where are open to all the people to see.
   I like this artist because his artworks are so different and also so simple, but they capture the attention anyway, and it represent some of the current society.

Resultado de imagen para jeff koons obras mas importantes

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

A building that I like...

Resultado de imagen para castillo forestal arquitectura

    Okay, so today I am going to talk to you about a building that I really like. It is a little hard to decide because I really like every historical building because they keep many stories and they survived too many events during the time.

    However, a building that I really like is the Forestal Castle. This building is located inside of the Forestal Park in the street Cardenal José María Caro, in front of the Bellas Artes Museum. The building recreates the French medieval architecture.

   The first time that I saw it I was like 12 years old, I went to Bellas Artes museum for a school project with my friends and I saw it, it was so beautiful for me because I think that I have never seen a castle before and my first impression was the size of the castle because I always imagine this kind of constructions in a big size and with many floors, but this one was a little building but with many details and things. But the reason why I like the castle is that they could mix the old style of the castle with a very contemporary one and also has a story behind.

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018

Something I would like to learn ...

  Well this time I will tell you something I would like to learn, obviously I have a great list of things to learn like learn to cook, use the computer programs, snowboarding, play an instrument, ext., but one of the ones that has taken me the longest is to learn to drive a car and I just have not done it because I've postponed it and maybe a little bit of fear at the wheel, but only a little.
   In my family only my dad drives because my mom does not know how to do it, so it's always my dad who drives and I would love to learn to be able, from time to time, to go out alone with my friends somewhere without relying on someone else to take me, also it would serve as transport to the university on the days that I have project deliveries in which I sometimes have to make giant scale models that I just can’t take me by bus or subway, so I ask for an Uber (which doesn’t come out very cheap), because I don’t  live very close to the university.
   Obviously, I know that the car is not the most efficient or ecological way to transport since it pollutes the environment a lot and generates traffic jams in the streets, but I would only use it when necessary, not every day.
   Maybe in the summer holidays I enrolled in a driving school to learn, so I guess in my vacation I'll be studying the new driver's manual and the traffic laws, instead of resting in my house and watching movies on Netflix.
   I hope to get my license soon and not hit any car(wish me luck).

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

    I always liked anything related with the arts like drawing or painting, because is a way to express feelings, memories or only illustrate somethings that we like, but between drawing and painting, I prefer more painting, because with the paint you can play with the colors and give more life and expression to your draw. Also is very relaxing and fun, I can paint for hours, without getting bored    and when I see the result, I like to share it with my family and sometimes my friends
   My favorite ways to paint are with acrylic paint and watercolors, but I recognize that I’m not the best using it because you have to have king of technique.
   I discovered that I liked painting since the school when I was like 10 years old, because my favorite subject was arts and in that class we always draw and paint pictures and we made crafts.
   Now I don’t use to paint at all because since I’m in the university I don’t use to have much time for this kind of activities, but I really want to have more time to do more relaxing things.